Navicat Blog

Jul 24, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

A database event is a task that runs according to a schedule. Also known as "scheduled events", an event is similar to a cron job in UNIX or a task scheduler task in Windows, except that scheduled events are configured using a database's syntax and/or command-line-interface (CLI). Database events have many uses, such as optimizing database tables, cleaning up logs, archiving data, or generating complex reports during off-peak time.

Jul 17, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Since version 5.1.6, MySQL has supported events. They employ a natural language scheduling syntax, so that you can say: "I want the MySQL server to execute this SQL statement every day at 11:30am, until the end of the year". To help you write your event statements, MySQL provides excellent documentation on CREATE EVENT syntax. Despite all of this, getting a firm grasp of event scheduling can still take some trial and error.

Jul 10, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Welcome to the third installment in our series on Database Events! Part 1 outlined the difference between Database Events and Scheduled Tasks, as well as how to configure the Event Scheduler Thread in MySQL. In Part 2, we explored how to create MySQL events using the CREATE EVENT statement. Today's blog will delve deeper into how to schedule MySQL 8 Events - an essential topic that only received a cursory mention last time.

Jul 3, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Welcome back to our series on Database Events! Part 1 outlined the difference between Database Events and Scheduled Tasks, as well as how to configure the Event Scheduler Thread in MySQL. In today's blog, we'll explore how to create MySQL events using CREATE EVENT syntax.

Jun 26, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

In the simplest terms, an event is any task that can be run according to a schedule. Many popular DBMSes include support for events. These are also known as "scheduled events" or as "temporal triggers" because events are triggered by time, as opposed to triggers, which are invoked by database operations such as table updates. Database events may be utilized for a variety of tasks such as optimizing database tables, cleaning up logs, archiving data, or to generate reports during off-peak times.

In today's blog, we'll learn how to view and activate database events. In subsequent blogs, we'll learn how to configure events for various tasks.

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